Sunday, December 30, 2012

Back In The Saddle?

If blogs had saddles, that is. . . :)

So many things have happened over the last almost year and a half that I couldn't even find a way (or the desire) to blog about them. I've never been a great journal-keeper like my mom was, and I struggle to keep in touch with people through letters, e-mail, or phone calls. (Facebook has helped somewhat in both regards, and I really have done better at journaling than I used to. . .) And when stressful events happen, those things fall by the wayside. So it's natural that my blog would be so sorely neglected.

Something I've learned, though, is that one way to show the Lord our gratitude for his tender mercies is to write them down. I've tried to do this, though I've definitely missed a lot of them, for which I feel very sad. I know that we shouldn't share everything miraculous that happens to us, but I also feel that sometimes we really do need to share the Lord's mercies with others so they can recognize His hand in their lives, too, among other reasons. So I will try my very, very best to do better at blogging. Not only does it help me show gratitude to my Heavenly Father and His Son, but it also helps me see my blessings even better.

So, even though my responsibilities are huge, and my challenges many, I will make an effort to do better at sharing my life and my joy with others. I am so grateful and so blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray, hooray!!! So much fun to see your blog pop up with a new entry. I just love you to bits, and I think you are spectacular at showing gratitude with or without the blog entries. :) But, I do absolutely love reading your blog ...